Crochet Patterns

Free Easy Crochet Pattern for the Silver Linings Shoulder Warmer

Crochet this easy textured shoulder warmer for a friend in need of a “hug”, as a fast alternative to a prayer shawl, as a quick gift, or just a weekend project! This pattern can also be easily customized to make a full sized prayer shawl, a long scarf, or even a baby blanket.

“Every dark cloud has a silver lining.”

“Was I deceived or did a sable cloud Turn forth her silver lining on the night?”

John Milton, Comus

One of my favorite things to crochet are prayer shawls for my local chemo center. There is nothing quite like a knitted or crocheted “hug” when you are ill, and I know from experience how chilly those chemo rooms can be. But with summer temperatures upon us, I wanted to make a smaller version that can be a comforting shawl without all the bulk.

Bonus–it’s super soft, so quick to make, and only uses 1 skein of yarn! Remember this simple textured stitch? This pattern uses this squishy and beautiful stitch to make this shoulder warmer.

You know from my first design here on the blog how much I love the new chenille-type yarn. It is so soft, and I hope you get the chance to make something with it. The Bernat Velvet I used for that design is a bulky #5 yarn, but today I’ll be using less than 1 skein of the Lion Brand Vel-Luxe Yarn (paid link) which is a worsted #4 yarn.


Vel-luxe Silver, Amazon (paid link)
Purchase the Yarnology hook here with a coupon!


My finished size was 12″ (30cm) by 28″ (71cm). You can easily customize the size by adding width or length. Of course, if you alter the size you will need more yarn.

Required Stitches and Abbreviations:

  • Chain (ch)
  • Single crochet (sc)
  • Double crochet (dc)

Written Instructions:

A close-up of the texture of this stitch!

Chain 31 (or any odd number of stitches). For a more generalized instruction for this stitch, along with photo and chart tutorial, check out my previous blog post here.

1. Foundation Row: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch to the end. Turn, ch 1. (30 sc)

2. Set-up Row: Skip 1st sc, * in next sc work (1 sc, ch 1, 1 dc), skip next sc; rep from * to end, ending with (1 sc, ch 1, 1 dc) in last sc. Turn, ch 1. (You will have 15 “sets” of [1 sc, ch1, 1 dc]).

3. Row Repeat: In each sc of previous row, work (1 sc, ch 1, 1 dc), ending with (1 sc, ch 1, 1 dc) in last sc. Turn, ch 1. (15 sets of [1 sc, ch1, 1 dc])

4. Repeat the Row Repeat until desired size is met. I repeated the Row Repeat for 53 rows (plus Foundation Row, Set-up Row, and 1st Row Repeat is 56 rows) and of length of 22 inches.


5. Cut yarn and fasten off.

6. Wash shoulder warmer if desired or if you are gifting to a chemo center. Yarn band says machine wash and lay flat to dry. I wash my acrylic handmade items on the Gentle or Delicate cycle on Cold.

YouTube Tutorial:

Happy Crocheting, Lena.

P.S. As with all of my patterns, you are welcome to sell any finished item made with your personal copy of the pattern. Please however respect my hard work and do not sell the pattern itself. Thank you.

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Affiliate Disclaimer: Posts will at times link to yarns and materials I use in my patterns, reviews, and tutorials. Every review and recommendation will always be my honest opinion. If you choose to purchase an item through one of these links, you will not pay any extra, but I may receive a small commission which helps me continue to provide content. Thank you for your support.